Coping with Postpartum Hair Loss: Understanding and Managing the Shedding

The journey into motherhood is filled with numerous joys and challenges. Before having a baby you are warned of all the woes of a new baby. The sleepless nights...the diaper changes... the hormonal changes. But what does nobody talk about? Postpartum hair loss! Postpartum hair loss is incredibly common in new mums. In fact, 50% of women will experience postpartum hair loss after giving bith. 

In this blog post, we'll explore the causes of postpartum hair loss, offer tips on how to cope with it, and provide reassurance for new moms experiencing this 100% natural phenomenon.

The Science Behind Postpartum Hair Loss

If you've ever been pregnant, chances are you also know the feeling of the thick, luscious, shiny hair that comes with pregnancy. This influx of hair growth is due to increased levels of estrogen, which prolongs the hair's growth phase and reduces shedding. But, after giving birth, the tables turn. Suddenly all that increased estrogen sharply drops off. This drop triggers the shedding of hair which accumulates during pregnancy. 

Postpartum hair loss usually begins about 3 months after giving birth and continues for several months. It's important to understand that most postpartum hair loss is temporary. Once your hormone levels begin to stabilise, so will your hair. Here's what you need to know about this temporary hair loss:

  1. Timing: Postpartum hair loss usually starts around the third month after giving birth and can continue for up to a year.

  2. Amount: While it may seem like you're losing a lot of hair, rest assured that it's typically within the normal range. You may notice more hair falling out during activities like showering or brushing, but this is part of the natural process.

  3. Regrowth: The good news is that the hair you lose will eventually grow back. It may take some time for the regrowth to catch up with the shedding, so patience is key.

Coping with Postpartum Hair Loss

While postpartum hair loss is temporary and part of the natural cycle, it can still be emotionally challenging. Here are some strategies to help you cope:

  1. Gentle Hair Care: Be extra gentle with your hair during this time. Use a wide-tooth comb to detangle, and avoid tight hairstyles or excessive heat styling, which can put additional stress on your hair.

  2. Maintain a Healthy Diet: A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, especially biotin and iron, can support hair health. Consult with your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian for dietary recommendations.

  3. Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration is essential for overall health, including hair health. Drink plenty of water to keep your body and hair well-hydrated.

  4. Consider Supplements: If your healthcare provider approves, you may consider taking supplements like biotin or prenatal vitamins to support hair growth. Always consult with a healthcare professional before adding supplements to your routine.

  5. Manage Stress: High stress levels can exacerbate hair loss. Find ways to manage stress through relaxation techniques, exercise, meditation, or seeking support from loved ones or a therapist.

  6. Choose the Right Hair Care Products: Use gentle, sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners that promote hair health. Look for products designed to strengthen and nourish hair.

  7. Hair Fibers: So many of our Clingy girls use hair fibers due to postpartum hair loss. It's a quick, easy solution that you can incorporate into your new mum life. 

  8. Be Patient: Remember that postpartum hair loss is temporary, and your hair will eventually return to its pre-pregnancy state. Be patient and kind to yourself during this period.

Seeking Professional Help

If you're concerned about the severity of your postpartum hair loss or if it persists beyond a year, it's advisable to consult a healthcare provider or dermatologist. They can rule out any underlying medical conditions and provide guidance on treatments or interventions if necessary.

Support and Self-Care

Lastly, it's essential to acknowledge the emotional impact of postpartum hair loss. It's common to feel self-conscious or anxious about changes in your appearance, but remember that you're not alone in experiencing this. Connect with other mothers who have gone through or are currently experiencing postpartum hair loss to share your feelings and gain support.

In Conclusion

Postpartum hair loss is a natural part of the post-pregnancy experience, and it's essential to remember that it's temporary. While it can be emotionally challenging, especially during an already demanding time in your life, there are ways to cope and support your hair's health. Be patient with your body, practice self-care, and seek professional advice if needed. Above all, cherish the incredible journey of motherhood, and know that your hair will bounce back in time.