My Androgenic Alopecia Story

Greetings everyone! I'm Kimberly 💕. I was diagnosed with Androgenic Alopecia when I was just 19. Over a decade, I've watched as 70% of my lustrous hair thinned out.

From a voluminous mane to grappling with Androgenic Alopecia, it's a path I never envisioned. The trauma of losing a dear friend, I believe, triggered my alopecia. A few months later, while styling my hair, I realized that nearly half of it was gone, even though I hadn't seen it fall out due to its earlier thickness.

Seeking answers, I visited several dermatologists. Their consensus? Female pattern hair loss - or #androgenicalopecia. With my mother and both grandmothers also having thin hair, the diagnosis wasn’t entirely unexpected. I decided against a biopsy because the cause seemed clear. Minoxidil was the only solution presented to me. Interestingly, while wearing hair toppers during one of my visits, a dermatologist was in awe of the thickness of my hair, only to be surprised when I revealed it was a topper. It's perplexing how some hair loss experts aren't acquainted with such transformative options for women!

I embarked on a quest for hair restoration. Expensive shampoos, oils, treatments - you name it, I've tried it. I invested in a laser cap for over a year and even took PRP injections. Unfortunately, nothing worked. Constantly comparing my hair to my friends' made it even harder, because although my hair was still fairly dense, I could feel the magnitude of what I was losing. For a while, hair extensions were my refuge, camouflaging the progressive thinning I experienced.

But then, I discovered hair toppers and hair fibers. While toppers added volume and style, hair fibers provided an instant solution to cover thinning areas, making my hair look fuller. This combination not only salvaged my look but my self-esteem. Being diagnosed with ‘androgenic alopecia’ felt like a part of me had vanished - the girl celebrated for her dense hair. It felt like I was mourning my past self, with each new treatment amplifying that loss.

However, toppers and hair fibers restored my autonomy. They reminded me that my self-worth wasn't tethered to hair loss. These tools allowed me to embrace and cherish the hair I had left and reaffirmed my self-love.

Of late, I’ve encountered remarks like ‘it's only hair’ or ‘you still have so much hair left.’ While I've grown more comfortable stepping out without my topper, incorporating it into my routine empowers me. For some, wearing additional hair might not be their journey, and that’s completely fine. But whether you choose to wear hair for aesthetic, religious, cultural reasons, or due to hair loss, it’s a personal choice.

Having had such thick hair as a teenager, losing 70% of it felt like a huge blow. Yet, everyone’s journey with hair is unique. Whether or not you decide to wear additional hair, embrace what makes you feel confident and radiant 💕.