Unleashing the Truth about Rosemary Oil for Hair Growth

Rosemary oil has taken the internet by storm as a potential miracle treatment for hair loss. It seems like everyone and their cat has tried it and shared their experiences on TikTok, Instagram, and search engine results. But the burning question remains: does it actually work for everyone? Let's dive into the world of rosemary oil and unravel everything you need to know about using it to regrow your hair.

What is Rosemary Oil?

Rosemary oil is derived from the rosemary plant (scientific name: rosmarinus officinalis L.). It has long been used in aromatherapy for various health benefits. The fact that it's a natural oil is one of the reasons why it has gained popularity among women with hair loss concerns.

rosemary oil for hair growth

Is Rosemary Oil Scientifically Proven to Regrow Hair?

In 2015, the hair loss community went into a frenzy when an Iranian research team conducted a study comparing the effectiveness of rosemary oil versus minoxidil 2% (a prominent medication for hair loss treatment). The study involved 100 male participants with androgenic alopecia, with half using rosemary oil and the other half using minoxidil over a span of six months.

The results were groundbreaking: rosemary oil was found to be equally effective in regrowing hair as minoxidil. This was the first study of its kind, as previous research had only been conducted on mice. It was an exciting revelation for those seeking an alternative to minoxidil, which often comes with side effects. People with hair loss eagerly jumped on the opportunity to switch to a more natural option that yielded similar results.

However, upon closer inspection, there are some important aspects to consider. Looking at the results from the 2015 study, the graph displaying the average hair count of participants in each group at the beginning, three months, and six months into the study shows minimal variation. In fact, the difference in hair count was only around 5% on average. The significance of these results is questionable.

hair loss studies

Additionally, the study lacked a control group, meaning there was no group in the trial that did not use either minoxidil or rosemary oil. This omission is crucial because it fails to account for seasonality, which affects hair thickness. Hair naturally thickens in winter to keep us warm and thins out in summer to help us stay cool. Without a control group, we cannot determine if the 5% difference was due to the treatments or regular hair growth and loss cycles.

However, this doesn't mean that rosemary oil has no benefits for hair and scalp health. It has been proven to possess anti-inflammatory properties, which can be helpful if your hair loss is related to inflammation. Rosemary oil also nourishes and moisturizes the hair, leaving it soft and silky.

Is Rosemary Oil Safe to Use?

In general, rosemary oil is safe to use on the scalp. However, some individuals may be allergic to rosemary, which could cause irritation. It is also important to dilute pure rosemary oil before use, as it can be too strong for most hair and scalp types.

The Price Tag of Rosemary Oil

Rosemary oil typically ranges from $20AUD to $40AUD.

How to Use Rosemary Oil for Hair Growth

The best way to apply rosemary oil is by mixing a small amount with a leave-in conditioner treatment. This helps to ensure proper dilution and distribution throughout the hair.

Kim's Experience

Kim, like many women with androgenic alopecia, has experimented with rosemary oil, along with peppermint oil, black seed oil, and more. However, the results were not particularly impressive. Nowadays, Kim prefers to use rosemary oil as a calming essential oil to promote focus rather than relying on it for hair growth.

In conclusion, while rosemary oil may have its benefits, scientific evidence on its efficacy for hair regrowth remains inconclusive. It could potentially provide some improvement, but it is not a definitive cure for hair loss. As with any treatment, it's always best to consult with a professional before incorporating rosemary oil into your hair care routine.